Sunday, March 16, 2014

Youtube Imitates Life

I guess the first step in writing about what's happened is to announce the fact that I in no way know these people personally. I have followed their Youtube channels and music for a while online. Also, the vast majority of what I mention is my opinion, or in reference to the link below.

If you have no idea what I am referring to:

In short: some (more) male youtubers have been exposed as manipulative, abusive shitbags in their personal/sexual relationships. What is really alarming is that they have young female fans. Fangirls. I have not looked through the notes on Alex's "apology" post that was really a Cover Your Ass (CYA) post, but apparently a lot of them, at least initially, were insisting the anonymous confessions were false and Alex was completely innocent. I have a hard time believing that when so many people, anonymous and not, have relayed similar accounts of what his behavior was like.

What got to me personally is that when I initially saw photos of Alex and Tom, I did think they were kind of creepy looking. But Charlie said they were friends of his and really, Charlie is a beam of sunlight on a summer's day. So I put aside my initial reaction and thought I was learning not to judge a book by its cover, etc. Nope. Obviously my gut feelings are not the only way to judge people, but they're not wrong.

This also brings up the interesting point that fans are united in their interest, but really not in any other way. Because it seems that a fair number of those assaulted/manipulated were initially fans of these people, and yet other fans turn against them for the sake of some "internet famous" person they don't know. At all.

And one last point that just makes me chuckle: Alex made so many videos of "I haven't sold out, I'm just sharing something I'm proud to have made." Clearly, his persuasive skills showed up in other ways. Him and his cousin Danny made a card game that they sell to people. Apparently they are both complete assholes.

And sure, you can argue they didn't know better, didn't know what consent was. But the way Alex talks about things in his apology and the way ex-friends of his have responded to it make it clear that he is trying to get as close to lying as possible while still telling the technical truth.

I hope these cases provide a way to really educate the people who are in this fandom/community/internet about a) what consent actually is and b) how to better tell who to stay away from.

Had to share my thoughts on this so I can get some work done.

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